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Cosmetic Dermatology

Upneeq Eye Rejuvenation

UPNEEQ® is the first and only FDA approved once per day eye drop that can open your eyes when you have acquired blepharoptosis (drooping of the upper eyelids) that is not caused by serious medical conditions. It is an alternative to eyelid surgery! It works on the muscles that elevate the eyelids causing them to contract opening the eye. Used daily it will lift your upper eyelids to open your eyes.

UPNEEQ (oxymetazoline hydrochloride ophthalmic solution), 0.1% is a prescription eye drop used to treat acquired blepharoptosis (low-lying lids) in adults without the need for surgery.

Upneeq contains the same ingredient as Afrin, which is not safe for long term use, but Upneeq can be used indefinitely.

What is acquired blepharoptosis?

Acquired blepharoptosis or ptosis is a condition where the upper eyelids droop because the structure of the upper eyelids is inadequate to maintain normal lid elevation. The muscles that hold up your eyelid are called levators. It can affect one or both eyes.

What causes acquired blepharoptosis?

It can be caused by a variety of factors, including aging, muscle weakness, or nerve damage. Blepharoptosis can also be congenital (present at birth) or acquired later in life.

In older adults, the most common cause is the stretching and weakening of the eyelid muscles. However, it may also be caused by an underlying medical condition, cataract surgery, surgery for glaucoma, and wearing hard contact lenses.

Identifying the cause is essential to ensure it is the result of aging and not a manifestation of a serious neurological disease. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology

  • About 11.5% of the population over age 50 has this condition.
  • 4% to 12% develop this condition after cataract surgery.
  • 7% develop this condition after glaucoma surgery called Selective laser Trabeculoplasty (SLT)

If the cause is aging, trauma, or rubbing your eyes because of contact lenses you could have surgery to raise your eyelids. If you have drooping eyelids due to cataract or glaucoma surgery this kind of ptosis may improve without treatment within six months after surgery.

What are the symptoms of acquired blepharoptosis?

The main symptom of acquired blepharoptosis is drooping eyelids that can make you appear tired. The condition may be mild, moderate, or severe. It can cause the individual to have difficulty keeping their eyes open and may also lead to decreased vision which may interfere with daily functions including driving, reading and computer use. In severe cases, the eyelid may droop so low that it covers the eye completely.

How is acquired blepharoptosis diagnosed?

Your Lucent dermatologist will review your medical history including your medications and inquire about whether you have seen your ophthalmologist to evaluate your drooping eyelids and their diagnosis. When your ophthalmologist determines that your drooping lids are caused by aging or lax eyelid muscles, we can proceed to recommend this innnovative treatment called UPNEEQ.

You may not be a good candidate for UPNEEQ if:

  • Your ptosis is caused by a medical condition
  • You have heart disease or uncontrolled blood pressure
  • You have reduced blood flow to the brain or an immune system disorder
  • You have untreated narrow-angle glaucoma
  • You take certain classes medications for heart disease, hypertension, prostate conditions, or MAO antidepressants

What are the common UPNEEQ side effects?

The most common side effects are eye inflammation, redness, dry eye, blurred vision, eye pain with use, irritation, or headache.

When you are tired of looking sleepy eyed and you are tired of lifting your eyebrows to lift your lids you may have blepharoptosis (low-lying lids), and you may be an excellent candidate for

UPNEEQ! Contact Lucent Dermatology to schedule a consultation at our Beechwood Ohio office today. You may find an eye-opening opportunity!!

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