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Cosmetic Dermatology

Laser Skin Resurfacing

Fractionated CO2, Fractionated Erbium, IPL Photofacial, Clear + Brilliant — With so many laser skin resurfacing devices and technologies, how do I know which laser resurfacing treatment is right for me? There’s no doubt, it can be confusing. Unfortunately, the word ‘Laser’ has become a generic catchall for an entire class of dermatologic devices. Fortunately, the board-certified cosmetic dermatologists at Lucent Dermatology, one of the leading dermatology practices in Beachwood, OH can break down the different types of laser skin resurfacing treatments.

Commonalties and differences amongst all types of Laser Skin Resurfacing

All laser skin resurfacing devices use light energy to target superficial skin conditions such as fine lines and wrinkles, uneven skin tone and texture, discolorations and skin laxity; and deeper ablation for deep wrinkles and acne scarring in addition to the superficial skin conditions.

Laser skin resurfacing is the gold standard cosmetic treatment to address the visible signs of aging, sun damage, pigmentation issues and acne scarring. Laser skin resurfacing works by literally vaporizing the targeted damaged skin, stimulating the growth of healthy new skin, and promoting the production of collagen, which provides long-term remodeling of the tissues for firmer tone and smoother texture.

Laser skin resurfacing devices differ in their approach to producing the light, administering the light and the strength of the light. Some laser skin resurfacing devices are stronger and are therefore used for more stubborn skin conditions, while others are gentler and used for more subtle skin conditions.

Fractionated CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing

CO2 Laser stands for Carbon Dioxide Laser. As the name implies, Carbon Dioxide gas is safely used to produce a beam of light. CO2 laser resurfacing (fractionated CO2) uses very short pulsed light energy (known as ultra-pulse) to vaporize tiny columns of skin while leaving uninjured skin. These micro-wounds stimulate wound healing that leads to collagen production, which takes about 6-12 weeks. Fractional CO2 skin resurfacing is safe and effective for even the most sensitive skin.

Carbon dioxide lasers are extremely effective because of the water in our skin absorbs this frequency of light very well. CO2 Laser Resurfacing is suitable for moderate to severe skin defects.

Fractionated CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing is effective at treating:

  • Dullness & Texture Problems
  • Sun damage
  • Precancerous lesions
  • Brown spots, age spots, liver spots
  • Crepey Texture
  • Saggy skin
  • Acne Scars
  • Scars
  • Wrinkles
  • Rosacea
  • on the face, neck, chest, arms and top of the hands

Fractionated Erbium Glass Laser Resurfacing

Erbium is a chemical element. As the name implies, the Erbium element is safely used to produce a beam of light. Erbium Laser Resurfacing is gentler and less invasive than Fractional CO2 Laser Resurfacing and is a perfect anti-aging treatment. Fractionated Erbium Laser Skin Resurfacing is designed to remove superficial and moderately deep lines and wrinkles with less discomfort, and only minimal effects on surrounding tissues. Only the top layer of skin is vaporized, to reveal new healthy, undamaged skin for youth enhancement.

Fractional erbium laser resurfacing is an excellent treatment for rejuvenation of aging skin. The procedure also initiates collagen remodeling for firmer skin and provides dramatic results and many of the same benefits as fractionated CO2 laser resurfacing with less downtime and minimal risks.

Erbium Laser Skin Resurfacing is effective at treating:

  • Age Spots
  • Brown Spots
  • Skin Tone
  • Fine Lines
  • Wrinkles
  • Skin Laxity
  • vertical lip lines and crow’s feet
  • on the face, neck, chest and top of the hands

The fractional CO2 laser resurfacing is most aggressive and produces the most dramatic results. The erbium laser is gentler, requires less downtime and fewer side effects.

If you’re concerned about wrinkles, fine lines, discoloration, acne scars then you should consider Laser Skin Resurfacing. Schedule a consultation to find out if laser skin resurfacing is for you and discover how you can turn back the clock for a more youthful appearance. At Lucent Dermatology in Beachwood, OH you will receive expert services and compassionate care.

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